Monday, May 08, 2006


On friday, Steve and I went to Regina it was a bit better seeing that Steve has been living there for about a year so he knows where pretty much anything is in the city. I stopped off at Gamesworkshop, of course, and grabbed what could be called "the usual" these days. Which is blank unit which catches my eyes plus the newest issue of white dwarf. The past issues have been pretty good seeing it was pretty general to all three war games they have going for them, but this one is more about the new giant for Warhammer that was released a month ago and the painting the new Tau Empire. I don't mind it seeing they have to please 3 fan bases now, but this one lacked one very important article, which is Turn 1. This article is one of my favourite reads because it inspires me to continue finishing my army and to try out new ideas. It didn't seem the same without it, but I guess next issue it will be back.