Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Finished... actually that was a few weeks ago!

Originally uploaded by chaotixjobau.
Well, I completed my Khorne Berserkers, yay, go me. I think they turned out pretty well, my pictures are pretty shitty but I got a pretty good shot of the skull faced one. Anyways, my next project, if I can decide on which mark to make them, are my Havocs. I can choose to have them a sick green colour and throw on a mark of nurgle, but they wouldn't have the special weapons like autoconnon. They would ,however, be able to pick from gear from the nurgling only section of equipment. I doubt it would be worth it that way, so the other option is to go with Slaanesh. They would be able to choose from their normal weapons or trade them in for some sound blasting weapons. So, really, I have already picked which one to base them on, now I just need a non gay purple colour scheme to make them look bad ass.


Blogger Pilon, A said...

A hint for taking pictures.

1. Go get yourself one of those tiny tripods, they are like 15 bucks.

2. If the glare off the models is too big with your flash on, turn the flash off and go outside into a bnright area, but not in direct sunlight.

5:47 PM  

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